Name: perl-Tie-Handle-Offset Version: 0.003 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Tied handle that hides the beginning of a file License: ASL 2.0 URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch # Build BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76 BuildRequires: perl(strict) BuildRequires: perl(warnings) # Runtime BuildRequires: perl(Tie::Handle) # Tests only BuildRequires: perl(File::Find) BuildRequires: perl(File::Temp) BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "$(perl -V:version)"; echo $version)) %description This modules provides a file handle that hides the beginning of a file. After opening, the file is positioned at the offset location. seek() and tell() calls are modified to preserve the offset. %prep %setup -q -n Tie-Handle-Offset-%{version} %build perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1 make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/* %check make test %files %license LICENSE %doc Changes README README.PATCHING %{perl_vendorlib}/* %{_mandir}/man3/* %changelog * Thu Dec 10 2015 Petr Ĺ abata 0.003-1 - Initial packaging